quorum-browsing comouse

Quorum Browsing

This series of investigations seeks to disrupt the selfish interface of the web browser. What happens when our private browsing experiences are shared with others, or when we need to physically gather a group together to access the web?


One Quorum Browsing project is a website that requires a critical mass of viewers from the same location to access it simultaneously before it becomes accessible. The individual act of interacting with a site in a browser is made collective (and social) by requiring the recruitment of others to access the site at the same time— and in the same place—as you. Try the live prototype at wewewe.johndryan.me


Another of these projects disrupts the cursor as an icon of self-agency and individual control. Instead, it provides an experience of others’ interactions through a shared cursor that every connected user collectively controls to complete a shared task.

Shared mice experiment